HU students can sell, buy, or exchange their textbooks with other Howard students. Learn More...




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How to Buy, Exchange & Sell

In this page >> Selling | Buying | Exchanging

Selling Books:
  • How do I sell books at Howard Used Books?

1. Register.

2. Once accepted as a seller login.

3. Post your textbook(s) to over 1000 howard students.

4. When a potential buyer or buyers contact you negotiate the method of payment and location of pay.

  • Can a student change the price for the book anytime they want?

    HowardUsedBooks sets up an account for each student selling books. If you decide to change your book's selling price just go to seller services on and change the price.

  • What if my book doesn't sell?

    Students have two options when their books do not sell. First, a student should review the price to see if their asking price is too high. A student should compare the competition for selling the book. If many books of the same type are listed, a student may lower the price to get their book sold. Students usually buy the best condition and lowest price. Secondly, If the book hasn't sold for a while, it might be an old edition or unused book.

  • What if my book is not the same edition as the class requirement?

    Many students will buy old editions for classes if the price is right so list your book at a savings price.

  Buying Books:
  • How do I buy a book?

1. Search by class, title, author, or ISBN.

2. Once you find the book you need then contact the seller.

3. Set up a meeting place in the Howard University campus to pay and receive the book.

  Exchanging Books:
  • How do I exchange a book?

1. Search by class, title, author, or ISBN.

2. Once you find the book you need then contact the seller.

3. Talk to the seller if you want to exchange books.

4. If you both agree to exchange set up a meeting place at Howard University campus to exchange books.

2006 - 2011, Design By Seko Kibona(Howard University '07)